Bargain-Hunting Signals a Shift in Sentiment – ETF Securities Commodity ETP Weekly
Contrarian investors drive inflows into long crude oil ETPs to a 19-week high.
ETFS Agriculture (AIGA) receives highest inflows since October 2014.
ETFS Physical Palladium (PHPD) inflows highest since November 2014 and ETFS Physical Platinum (PHPT) inflows highest since January 2015.
Gold ETPs continue to be shunned as investors dispose of defensive assets.
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The US dollar continued to appreciate (Dollar Index up 0.4% in the week), weighing on the commodity complex. With the Federal Reserve signaling that it is ready to raise rates subject to seeing “some” further improvement in the labour market, this week’s payroll numbers will be keenly watched. A strong reading could see more dollar strength. A supply glut in oil has reversed the premature rebound in prices we witnessed between March and June, providing the setting for supply tightening in the months to come. Commodity ETPs tracking oil, agriculture and platinum group metals have seen their flows benefit from bargain-hunting. Negative sentiment against gold continues.
Contrarian investors drive inflows into long crude oil ETPs to a 19-week high. Marking the fifth consecutive week of inflows, we saw US$52.5mn of flows into long Brent and WTIcrude oil ETPs. When prices fell sharply between November 2014 and March 2015, we received strong inflows into oil ETPs as investors saw a bargain-hunting opportunity. The rebound in prices between March and June led to outflows as they took profit. The recent price declines are once again bringing bargain hunters back in the market. We believe the current low price environment will motivate cuts in capex amongst high cost producers and lead to higher prices over the medium term. Though, OPEC will continue to produce more oil as Saudi Arabia in particular seeks to gain market share. The nimble US shale oil industry will remain price responsive and will be able to increase production when prices rise. Most of the cuts in production will come from high-cost (e.g. deep-water, oil sand etc.) non-OPEC, non-US projects. Once those projects are deferred or even cancelled they will not come back quickly as they have long lead times. With OPEC operating so close to capacity, any shock to the market could lead to price spikes. Upside risks to price outweigh the downside at these levels. ETFS Agriculture (AIGA) receives highest inflows since October 2014. With agricultural prices falling across the board last week (and indeed over the month), bargain hunters have sensed an opportunity. With a strengthening El Niño weather phenomenon, the likelihood of a disruption to crop production is high, potentially reversing the price declines in certain agricultural commodities. We saw US$19.8mn flow into AIGA and a further US$5.4mn flow into long wheat ETPs (a 12-week high). Grain prices were particularly hurt last week as the International Grains Council increased its grain harvest forecasts, despite Canadian and European dryness.
ETFS Physical Palladium (PHPD) inflows highest since November 2014, ETFS Physical Platinum (PHPT) inflows highest since January 2015. Receiving inflows of US$30.6mn and US$16.9mn respectively, the platinum group metals gained traction after weeks of outflows and price declines. Improving fundamentals including tighter environmental regulation (a source of demand for PGMs) and constrained mine-supply bode well for the metals. Gold ETPs continue to be shunned as investors dispose of defensive assets. A further US$163.5mn of outflows from long gold ETPs last week highlights the extent of the rotation away from defensive assets and towards certain underpriced cyclicals. Key events to watch this week. As the US Fed prepares to raise interest rates it will be ultra-sensitive to the payroll numbers out this week. A strong reading could consolidate the case for a rate increase and drive the US dollar higher, which could normally weigh on commodity priced in US dollars.
Video Presentation
Nitesh Shah, Research Analyst at ETF Securities provides an analysis of last week’s performance, flow and trading activity in commodity exchange traded products and a look at the week ahead.
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This communication has been provided by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (”ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority.
Investerare tar ut pengar från ESG-fonder i rekordfart: amerikanska miljö-, social- och styrelsefonder (ESG) redovisade rekordstora utflöden på 20 miljarder dollar 2024.
Detta kommer efter ett utflöde på 18 miljarder dollar 2023 och bara 3 miljarder dollar i inflöden 2022.
Dessutom har rekordmånga fonder tagit bort ESG och relaterade fraser från sina namn förra året.
Sedan januari 2022 har S&P Global Clean Energy Index sjunkit 46 %.
Invesco BulletShares 2030 USD Corporate Bond UCITSETFDist (BS30 ETF) med ISIN IE000GB2EQ90strävar efter att spåra Bloomberg 2030 Maturity USD Corporate Bond Screened index. Bloomberg 2030 Maturity USD Corporate Bond Screened-index spårar företagsobligationer denominerade i amerikanska dollar. Indexet speglar inte ett konstant löptidsintervall (som är fallet med de flesta andra obligationsindex). Istället ingår endast obligationer som förfaller under det angivna året (här: 2030) i indexet. Indexet består av ESG (environmental, social and governance) screenade företagsobligationer. Betyg: Investment Grade. Löptid: december 2030 (Denna ETF kommer att stängas efteråt).
Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,10 %. Invesco BulletShares 2030 USD Corporate Bond UCITSETFDistär den billigaste ETF som följer Bloomberg 2030 Maturity USD Corporate Bond Screened index. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom samplingsteknik (köper ett urval av de mest relevanta indexbeståndsdelarna). Ränteintäkterna (kupongerna) i ETFen delas ut till investerarna (kvartalsvis).
Invesco BulletShares 2030 USD Corporate Bond UCITSETFDist är en mycket liten ETF med tillgångar på 2 miljoner euro under förvaltning. Denna ETF lanserades den 21 maj 2024 och har sin hemvist i Irland.
Invesco BulletShares 2030 USD Corporate Bond UCITSETFDistsyftar till att tillhandahålla den totala avkastningen för Bloomberg 2030 Maturity USD Corporate Bond Screened Index (”Referensindexet”), minus avgifternas inverkan. Fonden har en fast löptid och kommer att upphöra på Förfallodagen. Fonden delar ut intäkter på kvartalsbasis.
Referensindexet är utformat för att återspegla utvecklingen för USD-denominerade, investeringsklassade, fast ränta, skattepliktiga skuldförbindelser utgivna av företagsemittenter. Den är marknadsvärdevägd med ett tak på 4,5 % för enskilda företagsemittenter. För att vara kvalificerade för inkludering måste företagsvärdepapper ha minst 300 miljoner USD i nominellt utestående belopp och en effektiv löptid på eller mellan 1 januari 2030 och 31 december 2030.
Värdepapper är uteslutna om emittenter: 1) är inblandade i kontroversiella vapen, handeldvapen, militära kontrakt, oljesand, termiskt kol eller tobak; 2) inte har en kontroversnivå enligt definitionen av Sustainalytics eller har en Sustainalytics-kontroversnivå högre än 4; 3) anses inte följa principerna i FN:s Global Compact; eller 4) kommer från tillväxtmarknader.
Portföljförvaltarna strävar efter att uppnå fondens mål genom att tillämpa en urvalsstrategi, som inkluderar användning av kvantitativ analys, för att välja en andel av värdepapperen från referensindexet som representerar hela indexets egenskaper, med hjälp av faktorer som index- vägd genomsnittlig löptid, branschsektorer och kreditkvalitet. När en företagsobligation som innehas av fonden når förfall, kommer kontanterna som fonden tar emot att användas för att investera i kortfristiga USD-denominerade skulder utgivna av det amerikanska finansdepartementet.
ETFen förvaltas passivt.
En investering i denna fond är ett förvärv av andelar i en passivt förvaltad indexföljande fond snarare än i de underliggande tillgångarna som ägs av fonden.
”Förfallodag”: den andra onsdagen i december 2030 eller sådant annat datum som bestäms av styrelseledamöterna och meddelas aktieägarna.
Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRO, Nordnet, SAVR och Avanza.
In our 2025 Crypto Investment Outlook, we emphasized the importance of applications in driving blockchain adoption and increasing demand for native tokens. With that in mind, it caught our attention that by January 2025—well past the US election predictions of November 2024—Polymarket had expanded into sports-related prediction markets, reaching 450,000 monthly active traders.
Ethereum’s success depends on the rise of useful applications that drive demand for its infrastructure, which is why the recent growth of platforms like Polymarket should strengthen ETH’s investment thesis, even as it underperforms Bitcoin and competitors like Solana. Time will tell, but we believe investors are currently underestimating ETH’s value, especially given the success of Polymarket, stablecoins, and other platforms dependent on Ethereum.
Market Highlights
Polymarket’s new milestone
Polymarket reached 450,000 monthly active traders, as the platform has diversified it betting pools into sports-related prediction markets.
With a substantial trading volume of $1.6 billion in January alone, we may be witnessing the birth of a key user-driven application.
This milestone connects to our Crypto Investment Outlook for 2025, in which we explained that user-driven applications are key to adoption.
Bitcoin reserve on US agenda
Trump’s “crypto czar” David Sacks stated that a bitcoin reserve is a priority, though it’s still in early stages.
The White House plans to establish formal communication with the crypto industry, with an official announcement expected in the future.
Republican lawmakers are forming a bipartisan working group to draft crypto regulations, supporting Trump’s broader digital asset policies.
Trading volume record on ETH ETFs
US Spot ETH ETFs witnessed record trading volumes of $1.5 billion amid Trump tariff turmoil.
This record volume, aligned with a positive $420M net inflow, supports the growing interest and importance of regulated crypto products.
Market Metrics
This week was underwhelming for the NCITM (-3.4%), following Trump’s announcement of new tariffs on steel and aluminum. Despite these challenges, US crypto-regulated products demonstrated resilience, recording a net inflow of $624 million. The confirmation of a BTC reserve being a top priority for the new administration, signals a great tailwind for the future of digital assets.