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2015 From Cyclical to Structural



2015 From Cyclical to Structural

China Macro Monitor 2015 From Cyclical to Structural. After half a year of spectacular equity market performance to some the clouds of slowing economic growth cast doubt on China’s ability to maintain the rally.

However, that view over-emphasises the correlation between GDP performance and equity market performance. The link between economic and equity market performance has never been straight-forward. Indeed, China may follow a path similar to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan during their early stages of development. That indicates that equity market performance will accelerate during periods of financial market liberalisation rather than periods of strong economic growth.

A number of exogenous events may also prove to be supportive for both China’s domestic equity market and China’s role in the global economy. MSCI is due to evaluate the inclusion of China A-Shares in its Emerging Markets Index this June. The IMF is also due to conduct its five-yearly Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket review this October. Renminbi inclusion discussions could become a catalyst for significant currency market liberalisation and a seismic shift in the role of the Chinese currency in international trade and finance.

We expect reform to remain the focus of policy makers’ agenda this year, with lower economic growth an acceptable by-product of stability. The authorities are unlikely to let growth fall substantially lower however, as that could stoke political unrest and undo the hard work of the reform agenda. We expect some policy easing, primarily in the form of lower interest rates and a reduction the Reserve Requirement Ratio in coming months.



Although Chinese GDP growth of 7.4% in 2014 surpassed consensus expectations, it was the lowest reading in 24 years. The outlook for growth is lower still in 2015. Both the World Bank and IMF have downgraded their 2015 China growth forecasts to below 7%t this month. The message from policy makers in China is that sub-7% growth is acceptable, so long as its reform agenda continues apace.

Over the next decade China’s growth model will migrate away from cheap-currency dependent mercantilism and China will become increasingly more capitalist. Market forces will help the allocation of resources1 and the legal framework will be strengthened to improve quality of China’s institutional infrastructure2.
Transition will inevitably involve winners and losers, but society as a whole is likely to benefit from the new model. China will be careful not to move too quickly and aggravate political instability. With that in mind, it is likely that China will stimulate the economy further in 2015 to avoid a marked slowdown, especially in light of a faltering Euro area dampening global demand their good and services.

In spite of economic growth deceleration in H2 2014, the domestic equity market rallied 58%3. That is not unusual and the experiences of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in their transition paths in earlier decades highlight that this is what we should expect. For example in Japan during the 1960s, a period of financial repression, the stock market underperformed relative to the overall economy. However in the 1980s when economic growth was subdued relative its past, the stock market performed particularly well in an environment of financial market liberalisation. South Korea and Taiwan experienced similar bouts of equity market outperformance during periods of financial market liberalisation, which countered the underperformance during earlier periods of financial repression and relatively stronger growth.


We believe China’s equity market underformance in recent years prior to the opening up of the Hong Kong-Shanghai Connect initiative in November 2014 was a symptom of a lack of market access. The Connect initiative significantly opened up market access. The fact that volumes traded on the Connect have not met expectations is irrelevant. The market has priced Shanghai stocks as internationally accessible now. The eventual opening of a Shenzhen Exchange link4 will give further access to Chinese domestic stocks, which will also become priced-in at some point.

We are likely to see equity market volatility rise. While structural shifts will move the equity market higher, periodic disappointment over growth figures are likely to lead to frequent corrections. This tug-of-war between the structural and cyclical drivers of the market will continue to divide analysts and see volatility remain high. Investors attracted to the recent rally should recognise the need for a significant degree of risk tolerance to weather rising market volatility.
In 2014, it was clear that Chinese equities were cheap by international standards. That is no longer the case. The MSCI China A-Share P/E is now close to the MSCI World P/E. P/Es in 2009 were undesirably high (it was a period of earnings weakness and price optimism in light of policy easing) and so should not be treated as a benchmark for where equity markets should go back to. Trading China on cheapness should be a thing of the past. Investing in China is once again about buying into structural change.



A number of events this year could prove to be a catalyst for further capital market deepening in China.
Firstly in June, MSCI will reconsider whether to include domestic Chinese equities into its emerging markets index. With approximately US$1.5tn benchmarked to MSCI China Emerging Markets Index, even a small allocation of 0.5% to the China A-Share market in the broader index could drive US$7.5bn into the market on the back of index replication by investors.

As a point of reference, the MSCI United Arab Emirates Net TR USD index rose over 90% between the time MSCI announced UAE stocks would enter its Emerging Market Index and actual inclusion (see shaded area of chart). While the Chinese and UAE markets are vastly different in size and composition, we believe the increasing probability of index inclusion will bode well for China A-Shares.


Secondly, in October the International Monetary Fund will review which currencies it will include in its Special Drawing Rights (SDR) currency basket. The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries’ official reserves. Its value is based on a basket of four key international currencies, and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies. If the Renminbi is included in the basket, central banks buying/selling SDRs will have to deliver/receive Renminbi (in proportion to its weight in the basket).

In its last review in 2010 the IMF decided not to widen the currencies in the basket. At the time the IMF noted that China was the third largest exporter of goods and services but felt that the Renminbi was not a freely useable currency. However, they urged that this issue be kept under review. Since then, the Chinese Yuan has become the fifth most used payment currency according to SWIFT5, jumping from seventh position only a year earlier. The Renminbi became the ninth most actively traded currency according to the Bank of International Settlement’s 2013 triennial survey, jumping from 17th position in 2010. Over that period average daily turnover soared from US$34bn in 2010 to US$120bn in 2013.


Significant expansion in RMB offshore clearing centres around the world has helped fuel this trend and access to the currency has never been easier. In 2014, the Yuan-HK Dollar convertibility cap was abolished in recognition of the demand for Renminbi (timed with the opening of the Hong Kong-Shanghai Stock Connect initiative).

While capital and exchange rate controls will continue to hold back the Renminbi from SDR inclusion, we believe the IMF’s review this year will facilitate a road-map for further internationalisation of the currency. With the internationalisation of the Renminbi a stated policy objective we believe that the Chinese authorities will continue to dismantle controls on the currency.

With the Yuan trading very close to the edge of its trading band (see chart on front page), we could see further flexibility in the trading band this year. The recent depreciation against the US Dollar seems to be more about the strength of the US dollar than Yuan weakness, with the nominal effective rate actually having appreciated in December. Indeed there has been no increase in foreign exchange reserves that would occur if the authorities were intervening to depreciate the currency.



With consumer price inflation weakening and property prices continuing to fall, we expect the Peoples Bank of China (PBoC) to cut interest rates further this year. We also expect the central bank to cut the Reserve Requirement Ratio (the amount of reserves banks need to hold with the central bank), thus improving banks’ ability to lend.
The transition away from shadow banks to the formal banking sector will continue in 2015, increasing pressure on the PBoC to provide liquidity support to banks. On January 22nd the PBoC injected CNY50bn into the banking system through the 7-day repo market. That was one of the many injections the central bank has provided in the past six months (see page 10 for other examples) and we expect the PBoC to maintain a strong hand on facilitating the transition in the financial sector.


1 “The focus of the restructuring of the economic system… is to allow the market [forces] to play a ‘decisive role’ in the allocation of resources”, Third Plenum Communiqué, November 2013
2 ”Comprehensively advancing the rule of law”, Fourth Plenum Communiqué, October 2014
3 MSCI China A-Share, between 30 June 2014 and 31 December 2014
4 Although no formal announcement has been made, Premier Li Keqiang has openly encouraged the opening of an Shenzhen link
5 December 2014

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This communication has been provided by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (”ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority. When being made within Italy, this communication is for the exclusive use of the ”qualified investors” and its circulation among the public is prohibited.

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Tillgång till USAs sektorrotationsstrategi baserad på Barclays Shiller Cape Ratio



Sedan i tisdags är en ny börshandlad fond utgiven av Ossiam handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. Ossiam Shiller Barclays CAPE US Sector Value UCITS ETF (EUPC) i andelsklassen USD ger investerare tillgång till USAs sektorrotationsstrategi. Detta syftar till att identifiera undervärderade branscher baserat på Shillers pris-till-förtjänst-förhållande (CAPE-kvot).

Sedan i tisdags är en ny börshandlad fond utgiven av Ossiam handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. Ossiam Shiller Barclays CAPE US Sector Value UCITS ETF (EUPC) i andelsklassen USD ger investerare tillgång till USAs sektorrotationsstrategi. Detta syftar till att identifiera undervärderade branscher baserat på Shillers pris-till-förtjänst-förhållande (CAPE-kvot).

CAPE-kvoten är en konjunkturjusterad pris-till-vinst-kvot och är lika med aktiekursen dividerat med den inflationsjusterade genomsnittliga vinsten under de senaste tio åren.

Detta värderingsmått används för att identifiera undervärderade företag och utvidgas här till aktiesektorer. En månatlig rotation väljer ut de fem mest undervärderade sektorerna baserat på den relativa CAPE-kvoten. Sektorn med minst fart är dessutom utesluten. De återstående fyra sektorerna viktas lika.

Ossiam Shiller Barclays CAPE US Sector Value TR – UCITS ETF 1C (USD)LU10798415130,65 %AckumulerandeShiller Barclays CAPE US Sector Net TR Index

Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 154 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 14 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.

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AAKI ETF drar fördel av användningen av robotik och artificiell intelligens



ARK Artificial Intelligence & Robotics UCITS ETF USD Accumulating (AAKI ETF) med ISIN IE0003A512E4, är en aktivt förvaltad ETF.

ARK Artificial Intelligence & Robotics UCITS ETF USD Accumulating (AAKI ETF) med ISIN IE0003A512E4, är en aktivt förvaltad ETF.

Denna ETF investerar i företag från hela världen som förväntas dra nytta av den ökade adoptionen och användningen av robotik och artificiell intelligens. Aktierna som ingår filtreras enligt ESG-kriterier (miljö, social och bolagsstyrning).

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,75 % per år. ARK Artificial Intelligence & Robotics UCITS ETF USD Accumulating är den enda ETF som följer ARK Artificial Intelligence & Robotics index. Denna ETF replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom full replikering (köper alla indexbeståndsdelar). Utdelningarna i ETFen ackumuleras och återinvesteras.

Denna ETF lanserades den 12 april 2024 och har sin hemvist i Irland.


ARK Artificial Intelligence & Robotics UCITS ETF strävar efter att investera i företag som är involverade i artificiell intelligens, autonom teknologi och robotik. Det är företag som förväntas fokusera på och dra nytta av utvecklingen av nya produkter eller tjänster, tekniska förbättringar och framsteg inom vetenskaplig forskning relaterad till bland annat disruptiv innovation inom artificiell intelligens, automation och tillverkning, transport, energi och material.


Lanseringen av ChatGPT i december 2022 fängslade en global publik och nådde snabbt 100 miljoner användare inom två månader. Denna prestation överskred tillväxttakten för plattformar som TikTok, som tog ett år, och YouTube och Facebook, som båda tog över fyra år, för att nå samma milstolpe. En sådan snabb tillväxt understryker AI:s växande roll i våra dagliga liv, och antyder djupgående sektorsomfattande omvandlingar. Eftersom kostnaderna för AI-utbildning sjunker med 75 % årligen – vilket överstiger den takt som förutspås av Moores lag – står vi vid randen av en teknisk överkomlighet och tillgänglighetsrevolution.

Denna kostnadsminskning banar väg för autonoma humanoida robotar, och lovar en framtid där dessa maskiner överskrider industriell användning för att bli vardagliga partners och hjälpare. I takt med dessa framsteg framträder autonoma fordon som de ultimata mobila enheterna, som lovar att ta oss in i en tid av oöverträffad rörlighet och frihet. Denna utveckling inom AI och robotik står som ett bevis på mänsklig kreativitet och en signal om den transformativa samhälleliga och ekonomiska potentialen vid horisonten. Välkommen till en ny gryning.


ARK Artificial Intelligence & Robotics UCITS ETF USD Accumulating (AAKI ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på Deutsche Boerse Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.



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Tillgång till italienska statsobligationer med fast löptid



Sedan i onsdags har två nya börshandlade fonder utgivna av iShares kunnat handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. Dessa börshandlade tillgång till italienska statsobligationer med fast löptid.

Sedan i onsdags har två nya börshandlade fonder utgivna av iShares kunnat handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. Dessa börshandlade fonder ger tillgång till italienska statsobligationer med fast löptid.

De två iShares iBonds dec 2026 och iShares iBonds dec 2028 Term € Italy Govt Bond UCITS ETFer ger investerare tillgång till en portfölj av eurodenominerade italienska statsobligationer som förfaller under samma kalenderår som ETFernas förfallodatum. Förfallodagen är satt till slutet av 2026 eller 2028. Vid löptidens slut likvideras den börshandlade fonden och portföljvärdet betalas ut till andelsägarna.

NamnISINAvgift %Utdelnings-policyReferens-
iShares iBonds Dec 2026 Term € Italy Govt Bond UCITS ETF (EUR) Dist)
IE000LZ7BZW80,12 %UtdelningICE 2026 Maturity Italy UCITS Index
iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term € Italy Govt Bond UCITS ETF (EUR) Dist)
IE000Q2EQ5K80,12 %UtdelningICE 2028 Maturity Italy UCITS Index

Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 156 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 14 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.

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