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Big Tech, Liquidations, and an Outage: What happened in crypto last week?



Last week, Big Tech dominated the headlines with its earnings for the last quarter of 2023. In this report, we’ll talk about their correlation with crypto and how other macroeconomic indicators come into play. We’ll also shed light on liquidations the market is anticipating on the back of some bankruptcy proceedings. Finally, we’ll walk you through what we know about the Solana mainnet outage.

Last week, Big Tech dominated the headlines with its earnings for the last quarter of 2023. In this report, we’ll talk about their correlation with crypto and how other macroeconomic indicators come into play. We’ll also shed light on liquidations the market is anticipating on the back of some bankruptcy proceedings. Finally, we’ll walk you through what we know about the Solana mainnet outage.

Earnings Week Spurs Optimism

Following the latest macroeconomic data, the Federal Reserve has opted to maintain interest rates within the range of 5.25% to 5.5%. In its recent statement, the central bank underscored the necessity for additional reassuring data before considering any reduction in borrowing costs. However, there are encouraging signs suggesting the U.S. economy is surpassing expectations. Notably, January witnessed robust job creation, with ~353K new positions added, exceeding the anticipated ~185K, holding the unemployment rate steady at 3.7% against the projected 3.8%. Moreover, wage growth surged annually to 4.5%, the highest increase in two years, while the U.S. manufacturing sector exhibited resilience and momentum, with the PMI index climbing from 47.1% to 49.1%.

Additionally, the U.S. economy experienced significant growth in the last quarter, expanding by 3.3% compared to an estimated 2%. Further, strong earnings reports from major companies like Meta and Amazon also bolstered confidence, with growth estimates surpassing expectations at 7.8% versus 6.4%, leading the SP500 to hit an ATH. Despite these positive indicators highlighting the U.S. economy’s resilience relative to others, the data suggests limited prospects for a Fed interest rate cut in March. Chairman Jerome Powell echoed this, emphasizing that “it is probably not the most likely case or the base case” for a March cut. Given Bitcoin’s recent mild recovery in correlation with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq, shown below in Figure 1, it’s imperative to monitor economic indicators closely to gauge the potential spillover effects on the emerging asset. It’s also equally important to assess when the FED will cut interest rates as it’ll impact risk-on asset classes such as crypto since Quantitative Easing (QE) policies inject more capital and liquidity into the market while increasing investors’ risk appetite.

Figure 1: Bitcoin’s Correlation with Nasdaq and S&P 500

Source: TheBlock

Liquidations Anticipated as Part of Bankruptcy Proceedings of FTX and Genesis
After months of uncertainty, FTX will not relaunch its collapsed exchange and plans to pay its customers in total, which will be based on the prices of November 2022, when Bitcoin was priced at less than $17K as a consequence of the bankruptcy dollarization process. So far, FTX has recovered at least $7 billion in assets, which they are planning to liquidate to make their customers whole, which could take a toll on the market, similar to when FTX sold GBTC shares shortly following the approval of the spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S.

Additionally, Genesis is seeking court approval to sell $1.6 billion of its Grayscale Trust assets following a $21 million settlement agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Users of FTX and Genesis form the two most significant headwinds along Mt. Gox creditors. Thus, It’s essential to realize any source of external selling pressure that could impact the market.

Funds Marked Safe Amid Solana’s Outage

After a year of stability, Solana experienced an outage lasting five hours on February 6 at 09:53 UTC. While over $3B in assets under management were reported safe, the outage only resulted in failed transactions. To resolve the issue that caused the network to halt, engineers from various ecosystem sectors collaborated to release a new validator software containing a critical patch. Validator operators were promptly instructed to upgrade their systems to initiate the network restart. By 14:57 UTC, Solana mainnet beta resumed block production following a successful upgrade to version 1.17.20 and a cluster restart managed by validator operators. Solana assured stakeholders that its engineering team is closely monitoring the network’s performance during the restoration process. Additionally, a post-mortem report investigating the root cause of the outage is currently in progress and will be shared on Solana’s communication channels once finalized.

This Week’s Calendar

Source: 21Shares, Forex Factory

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Are we about to enter “Hyperbitcoinization”?



• The data generally suggest that both the US and Europe may be at the cusp of mass retail adoption – a situation often referred to as “Hyperbitcoinization” in the context of Bitcoin.

• Global crypto asset adoption rates are significantly higher than previously estimated.

• The data generally suggest that both the US and Europe may be at the cusp of mass retail adoption – a situation often referred to as “Hyperbitcoinization” in the context of Bitcoin.

• Chances are that the growth of adoption will surprise to the upside due to the fact that we are most likely at the inflection point from ”Early Adopters” to ”Early Majority”.

Trump recently made a public statement implying that 50 million Americans already held ”crypto”. The most recent surveys among US consumers seem to support this number.

It is no surprise that cryptoassets have become a major topic during the US presidential election as the parties have become increasingly aware that cryptoasset users could play a significant role at the ballot.

Both Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. are scheduled to deliver a pro-Bitcoin speech at the upcoming Bitcoin conference in Nashville over the weekend.

It seems as if cryptoasset users are not a small minority anymore that can be ignored.

Here are some recent US bitcoin and crypto adoption surveys for comparison (% of total population in brackets):

• Security.org: 93 mn (28%)
• Unchained: 86 mn (26%)
• Statista: 53.6 mn (16%)
• Morning Consult: 44.2 mn (13%)
• Finder: 38.4 mn (11%)

In general, cryptoasset adoption has been on the rise globally.

A recent global survey among institutional investors conducted by Fidelity even implies that 51% of surveyed institutional investors have already invested into cryptoassets such as Bitcoin.

Another recent consumer survey by Statista implies that approximately every 5th person (21%) worldwide has already invested into cryptoassets.

However, it’s important to highlight that among the top 10 regions with the highest adoption rates, 8 regions are developing countries.

So, cryptoasset adoption rates are even significantly higher among developing countries than in developed countries that often suffer from chronically high inflation rates and weak domestic currencies.

That being said, the data generally suggest that both the US and Europe may be at the cusp of mass retail adoption – a situation often referred to as “Hyperbitcoinization” in the context of Bitcoin.

The reason is that technological adoption in general tends to accelerate at the threshold from the so-called “early adopters” to the “early majority” which is around 16% adoption rate based on the model of technological adoption famously put forth by Rogers (1962).

Global adoption rates are already at 21% while adoption rates in the US and Europe are at around 16% and 14%, respectively. So, there is a strong case for an acceleration of adoption rates in these regions and globally over the coming years.

Recent political developments in the US also imply that Bitcoin and cryptoassets are gradually becoming mainstream.

Trump has recently endorsed domestic Bitcoin mining in the US and both Democrats and Republicans have started accepting crypto payments for campaign financing.

The big success of the spot Bitcoin ETFs this year and the fact that additional types of spot crypto ETFs are being launched marks a significant shift in sentiment among US regulators in this regard.

In short, chances are that the growth of adoption will surprise to the upside due to the fact that we are most-likely at the inflection point from ”Early Adopters” to ”Early Majority”.

Bottom Line

• Global crypto asset adoption rates are significantly higher than previously estimated.

• The data generally suggest that both the US and Europe may be at the cusp of mass retail adoption – a situation often referred to as “Hyperbitcoinization” in the context of Bitcoin.

• Chances are that the growth of adoption will surprise to the upside due to the fact that we are most likely at the inflection point from ”Early Adopters” to ”Early Majority”.

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Investera i Optimism med en börshandlad produkt



I denna text tittar vi närmare på olika sätt att investera i Optimism med en börshandlad produkt Precis som för många andra kryptovalutor och tokens finns det flera olika börshandlade produkter som spårar Optimism. Vi har identifierar en sådan produkter.

I denna text tittar vi närmare på olika sätt att investera i Optimism med en börshandlad produkt Precis som för många andra kryptovalutor och tokens finns det flera olika börshandlade produkter som spårar Optimism. Vi har identifierar en sådan produkt.

De olika produkterna skiljer sig en del åt, en del av emittenterna arbetar med så kallad staking, vilket gör att förvaltningsavgiften kan pressas ned. Det är emellertid inte så att alla dessa börshandlade produkter är identiska varför det är viktigt att läsa på.

Investera i Optimism med en börshandlad produkt

Precis som för många andra kryptovalutor och tokens finns det flera olika börshandlade produkter som spårar Optimism.

För ytterligare information om respektive ETP klicka på kortnamnet i tabellen nedan.

NamnKortnamnValutaStakingUtlåningISINAvgift %
21Shares Optimism ETPAOPTUSDNejNejCH13048674552,50%

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JPGH ETF investerar i amerikanska tillväxtaktier



JPMorgan Active US Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (acc) (JPGH ETF) med ISIN IE000UZZ5SU2, är en aktivt förvaltad ETF. Den börshandlade fonden investerar i amerikanska tillväxtaktier och strävar efter att generera en högre långsiktig avkastning än Russell 1000 Growth-index. Aktierna som ingår filtreras enligt ESG-kriterier (miljö, social och bolagsstyrning). Valutasäkrad till euro (EUR).

JPMorgan Active US Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (acc) (JPGH ETF) med ISIN IE000UZZ5SU2, är en aktivt förvaltad ETF. Den börshandlade fonden investerar i amerikanska tillväxtaktier och strävar efter att generera en högre långsiktig avkastning än Russell 1000 Growth-index. Aktierna som ingår filtreras enligt ESG-kriterier (miljö, social och bolagsstyrning). Valutasäkrad till euro (EUR).

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,49 % p.a. JPMorgan Active US Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (acc) är den enda ETF som följer JPMorgan Active US Growth (EUR Hedged)-index. Denna ETF replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom full replikering (köper alla indexbeståndsdelar). Utdelningarna i ETFen ackumuleras och återinvesteras.

JPMorgan Active US Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (acc) är en mycket liten ETF med tillgångar på 2 miljoner euro under förvaltning. ETF lanserades den 18 januari 2024 och har sin hemvist i Irland.


Erfaret portföljförvaltningsteam med i genomsnitt 30 års branscherfarenhet

Utnyttja de bästa idéerna från JPMorgans dedikerade tillväxtanalysteam, förutom grundläggande insikter från över 20 amerikanska aktiekarriäranalytiker, alla med i genomsnitt 20+ års branscherfarenhet


Kombinerar två av JPMorgans beprövade aktiva amerikanska aktiestrategier (tillväxt med stora bolag och tillväxtfördelar), som kombineras för att leverera en diversifierad portfölj av amerikanska tillväxtaktier med underskattad tillväxtpotential över sektorer.


Aktivt förvaltad investeringsstrategi som strävar efter att leverera en stilren tillväxtaktieportfölj med en viss grad av marknadskapitalflexibilitet


JPMorgan Active US Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (acc) (JPGH ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra och Borsa Italiana.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.


Borsa ItalianaEURJGEH
SIX Swiss ExchangeEURJGEH

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