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Small Companies Outperform



Thackray’s Seasonal Trade (Dec 19th to Mar 7th) Small Companies Outperform. Brooke Thackray, CFP, CIM, Research Analyst, Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc.

Thackray’s Seasonal Trade (Dec 19th to Mar 7th) Small Companies Outperform. Brooke Thackray, CFP, CIM, Research Analyst, Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc.

The Small Cap Effect is an investment strategy that takes advantage of the tendency of small company stocks (small caps) to outperform large company stocks (large caps) from mid-December to the beginning of March. From December 19th to March 7th (1979/80 to 2014/15), the Russell 2000® Index (small cap stocks) has produced an average gain of 5.7%, compared with the Russell 1000® Index (large cap stocks) which has produced an average gain of 2.6%. In addition, small cap stocks have been positive 78% of the time and outperformed large cap stocks 69% of the time in the same period (Exhibit 1).


The Small Cap Effect is partly based on the January Effect, which is one of the better known seasonal investment anomalies. The January Effect postulates that stocks tend to perform well in January, rebounding, after suffering tax loss selling in December, with small caps performing particularly well.

Focusing on a small cap investment strategy only during the month of January has cost investors a lot of profits. Unfortunately, the January Effect does not capture the total benefit of small cap’s outperformance around the new year period. During the last half of December, small cap stocks tend to perform particularly well on an absolute basis and relative basis, compared with large caps. From 1979/80 to 2014/15, during the period of December 19th to December 31st, small caps have produced an average gain of 2.3%, have been positive 78% of the time and have outperformed large caps 69% of the time. In addition, during the period after January, from February 1st to March 7th, small caps have performed well on an absolute basis and outperformed large caps.


Exhibit 2 shows the average difference in performance between small caps and large caps from 1979/80 to 2014/15 during the period from December to March. It is interesting to note that both sectors of the market tend to bounce mid-December and then shortly after, small caps start to outperform. An overall positive market is particularly bullish for small caps at the end of the year.

One of the major drivers of small cap superior performance before the year-end and into the new year is based upon the behavior of money managers. At the beginning of the year, small cap stocks benefit from a phenomenon that I have coined, “beta out of the gate, and coast.” Money managers tend to take on more risk at the beginning of the year in order to get ahead of their benchmarks.

Moving down the company capitalization scale by investing in smaller companies is one of the preferred techniques. If money managers are successful and outperform their benchmarks, then they are in an ideal position to capture the gains by rotating from their overweight small cap positions back to index large cap positions and coast for the rest of the year with above average returns. On the other, if they are not successful, they at least have the rest of the year to make up ground.

Technically, small caps are currently just below resistance and their 200 day moving average (Exhibit 3). If small caps are able to break through resistance, look for the sector to reach its June highs within its strong seasonal period which starts in the second half of December.


In July 2015, small caps started a multi-month relative underperfor¬mance trend compared to the large caps (Exhibit 4). The previous underperformance may be acting like a compressed spring, setting up the small cap sector for a rally in its strong seasonal period starting later in December. Recently, starting in late November, small caps have been showing stronger relative performance compared with large caps. This is a positive indication for the upcoming seasonal period for small caps.

Horizons ETFs is a member of Mirae Asset Global Investments. The investment manager has a direct interest in the management and performance fees of the Horizons Seasonal Rotation ETF (the “ETF”), and may, at any given time, have a direct or indirect interest in the ETF or its holdings.

Comments, charts and opinions offered in this report are produced by www.alphamountain.com and are for information purposes only. They should not be considered as advice to purchase or to sell men¬tioned securities. Any information offered in this report is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Brooke Thackray is a Research Analyst with Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. (“Horizons”). All of the views expressed herein are the personal views of the author and are not necessarily the views of Horizons, although any of the investments found herein may be reflected in positions or transactions in the various client portfolios managed by Horizons. Horizons has a direct interest in the management and performance fees of the Horizons Seasonal Rotation ETF (the “ETF”), and may, at any given time, have a direct or indirect interest in the ETF or its holdings. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with an investment in the ETF which is managed by AlphaPro Management Inc. The ETF is not guaranteed, its values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. The ETF may have exposure to leveraged investment techniques that magnify gains and losses and which may result in greater volatility in value and could be subject to aggressive investment risk and price volatility risk. Such risks are described in the ETFs prospectus. The prospectus contains important detailed information about the ETF. Please read the prospectus before investing.

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SXRY ETF följer de 40 största aktierna i Italien



iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF (Acc) (SXRY ETF) investerar i aktier med fokus på Italien. Utdelningarna i fonden återinvesteras (ackumulerar).

iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF (Acc) (SXRY ETF) investerar i aktier med fokus på Italien. Utdelningarna i fonden återinvesteras (ackumulerar).

Den totala kostnadskvoten uppgår till 0,33 % p.a. Fonden replikerar resultatet för det underliggande indexet genom att köpa alla indexbeståndsdelar (full replikering). iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF (Acc) har tillgångar på 144 miljoner euro under förvaltning. SXRY ETF är äldre än 5 år och har sin hemvist i Irland.

Varför SXRY?

Exponering mot brett diversifierade italienska företag

Direktinvestering i 40 italienska företag

Exponering för enskilda länder och stora företag med börsvärde


Fonden strävar efter att följa resultatet för ett index som består av 40 av de största och mest likvida italienska företagen


FTSE MIB-index följer de 40 största italienska företagen.


iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF (Acc) (SXRY ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Borsa Italiana, Deutsche Boerse Xetra, Euronext Amsterdam och London Stock Exchange. Av den anledningen förekommer olika kortnamn på samma börshandlade fond.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.


London Stock ExchangeGBXCMB1
Stuttgart Stock ExchangeEURSXRY
Borsa ItalianaEURCSMIB
Euronext AmsterdamEURCMIB
London Stock ExchangeEURCMIB
SIX Swiss ExchangeEURCSMIB

Största innehav

KortnamnNamnSektorVikt (%)ISINValuta
ISPINTESA SANPAOLOFinancials7.98IT0000072618EUR
STLASTELLANTIS NVConsumer Discretionary7.09NL00150001Q9EUR
RACEFERRARI NVConsumer Discretionary6.78NL0011585146EUR
STMSTMICROELECTRONICS NVInformation Technology6.10NL0000226223EUR
CNHICNH INDUSTRIAL NVIndustrials3.16NL0010545661EUR

Innehav kan komma att förändras

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HANetf om AIs inverkan på råvaror



HANetfs analyschef Tom Bailey diskuterar effekten av AIs inverkan på råvaror med Proactives Stephen Gunnion. Han noterade att sedan 2023 har AI avsevärt påverkat marknadsinvesteringar, särskilt genom stora teknikföretag som Microsoft.

HANetfs analyschef Tom Bailey diskuterar effekten av AIs inverkan på råvaror med Proactives Stephen Gunnion. Han noterade att sedan 2023 har AI avsevärt påverkat marknadsinvesteringar, särskilt genom stora teknikföretag som Microsoft.

Bailey betonade att AIs ökande energibehov, särskilt för AI-datacenter, nödvändiggör en övergång till mer robusta kraftgenereringsmetoder, inklusive kärnenergi. Han påpekade att kärnenergi ses som en hållbar lösning på grund av dess låga koldioxidutsläpp.

Bailey diskuterade den växande efterfrågan på råvaror som uran och koppar. Han förklarade att AI-datacenter och den bredare energiomställningen, inklusive elfordon och förnybar energi, driver denna efterfrågan.

HANetf har utvecklat ETFer fokuserade på uran- och koppargruvarbetare, genom vilka investerare kan utnyttja dessa trender. Den bredare Sprott Uranium Miners UCITS ETF, som lanserades för två år sedan, inkluderar stora och mindre aktörer, medan en nyare Sprott Junior Uranium Miners UCITS ETF fokuserar på mindre företag.

Dessutom har Copper Miners ESG ETF, som betonar ren kopparbrytning och inkluderar ett ESG-screeningselement, presterat bra.

Bailey avslutade med att notera de starka resultaten för dessa ETFer, med Copper Miners ESG ETF upp 35 % hittills i år och den breda Uranium Miners ETF upp 15 %. Han uttryckte optimism om den pågående råvarans supercykel som drivs av olika faktorer, inklusive energiomställningen och industripolitiska förändringar.

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Valour Internet Computer (ICP) SEK ETP spårar priset på ICP



Valour Internet Computer (ICP) SEK ETP är en börshandlad produkt som spårar priset på ICP, den inhemska token som används för att driva Internet Computers ekosystem.

Valour Internet Computer (ICP) SEK ETP är en börshandlad produkt som spårar priset på ICP, den inhemska token som används för att driva Internet Computers ekosystem.

Internet Computer är ett blockchain-projekt som syftar till att skapa en decentraliserad och skalbar internetinfrastruktur genom att låta smarta kontrakt köras direkt på dess nätverk, vilket eliminerar behovet av traditionella serverbaserade arkitekturer. Det strävar efter att möjliggöra ett nytt paradigm för webbutveckling, där applikationer lagras på blockkedjan, vilket ger större säkerhet, effektivitet och tillgänglighet.


EmittentValour Inc.
NamnValour Internet Computer (ICP) SEK
Underliggande tillgångINTERNET COMPUTER (ICP/USD)
Förvaltningsavgift1,9 %

Handla Valour Internet Computer (ICP) SEK

Valour Internet Computer (ICP) SEK ETP är en europeisk börshandlad produkt som handlas på bland annat Nordic Growth Market.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETP genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.



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